Harshjot Singh and Subodh Kumar opened their first Wing Boyz take-out restaurant in St. Thomas in 2022 to great reviews—even winning the St. Thomas/Elgin 2022 New Business of the Year Award. It was not long after that the two set their sights on a second location that took them in the direction of Chatham, Ontario. Singh and Kumar received support from the Community Futures Program through Community Futures Chatham Kent (CFDCCK) to assist with branding, marketing, the purchasing of equipment, and building improvements. By December 22, 2023, they were able to open their doors at their new location.
“CFDCCK helped us with financing for our second location. This would not have been possible without their help. Thank you so much!”
Famous for its wings, the Wing Boyz’ menu offers a variety of items—from wraps, and burgers, to salads, and more.
Community Futures Funding Partner:
Rural businesses, organizations, and communities are the cornerstone of Canada’s economy. To ensure rural Canadians are positioned for success, the Government of Canada, through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), has partnered with the Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) across southern Ontario to provide access to the tools and support these businesses within their communities need to succeed.